[quote=FlyerInHi]Ucodegn, the US, like any other country can act unilaterally. That means going it alone and directly confronting another great power without allies/proxies like Phillipines and Vietnam, or Japan, South Korea, Australia who have core interests in Asia.
Whatever happens in the world, the US is often asked to do something about it. Look at the response in Europe to the possibility that Trump is going to make nice with Russia/Putin. Besides, somehow you jumped stating that the US does not have standing, which I showed was not the case, to a strawman argument of the US going it completely alone.
Ok, Trump alone can fix it. He will spend trillions more of our money. And in the end that will hurt the average American he claims to represent.[/quote] Further strawman.
Plan B in Canada is not too bad. While we are closing ourselves off from the world, Canada is welcoming the world.[/quote]You don’t welcome the world by prostituting yourself to gain acceptance. It only gets you used. Sweden is learning some of it the hard way. The action on Australia was to stop prostituting ourselves for acceptance. Australia as an ally is important, but at what cost?