[quote=FlyerInHi]Trump doesn’t just objectify women.
Bill was caught and impeached. He was punished.
Now. to hold a woman responsible, as an enabler, for the sins of her husband is not a novel concept, it’s very old. Women were held responsible for adultery, domestic violence against themselves and their kids.
On the right there is definitely a longing for traditional roles for women, among men and women. That’s why Trump was given a pass.
About my own views, I think that women should be given equal rights and responsibilities. They should earn their own money, take care of their own selves; and they can objectify men if they wish. Why can’t we have a female Trump? That would really mean that women finally made it.[/quote]FIH, I don’t buy that women were ever held responsible for their spouse’s adultery and domestic violence.
And I don’t feel that the “longing for traditional roles for women” can be attributed to “Republican dogma.” It is a relatively new phenomena adopted primarily by millenial women, who are the best-educated generation of women thus far, but who deep down would prefer to quit their FT jobs in a heartbeat if they could find a “sugar daddy” willing to take care of them financially … hopefully for `life,’ lol …. Men didn’t fear marriage because of too many perceived “gold-diggers” out there until the first millenials came of age and these women, are, for the most part, more “high-maintenance” (financially) then their older counterparts. (I know because I have daughter(s) who spend more on ONE cosmetic item than I do on food for myself and my pets for a week-plus.) Yes, many millenials live and work in expensive areas where their incomes are needed to survive … even as part of a couple. That is the only thing keeping many of them in their jobs. If they are parents and their spouses could obtain a well-paying job in a lesser-cost-of-living area where they wouldn’t have to work at all, they would be more than happy to move. Millenial women, as a group, aren’t anywhere near as goal-oriented as their oldest Gen X and Boomer counterparts and frankly don’t care if they walk away from FT employment still owing ~$100K in student loans. Millenial women are the ones who are coming back to work ONE BUSINESS DAY after their maternity leaves are over and handing in their resignations (AFTER collecting ALL of their maternity benefits) with or without the consent of their spouses. For whatever reason, major employers still favor hiring them over us boomers as FT employees, in spite of their fickleness, disloyalty, frequent improper dress at the office and constant requests for time off and “work-at-home schemes.” In addition, millenial moms have lost their generation’s credibility when they blatantly damaged the (social and workplace) gains their boomer moms achieved for them by displaying their very pregnant selves regularly in public in very tight and skimpy clothes (have they ever heard of maternity wear?) and insisting on nursing their babies in the middle of restaurants, airports, etc. This (delusional) group of “uber-moms” seem to think that everyone wants to watch all of this stuff in public and that they are somehow curious anomalies when pregnant or nursing :=0
In other words, the “gold-digger” phenomenon (which has been scaring young men away from commitment and marriage in the past decade … and rightly so) is generational. It has nothing to do with political party and everything to do with the “sense of entitlement” many millenial women have. Instead of being equal partners with their spouses, they want to be put on a pedestal and taken care of financially by a spouse as long as the ride lasts.
The vast majority of us boomer women never expected men to take care of us . . . ever (regardless of marital status) and irregardless if we have lived our entire lives in a “deep red state.” We never expected men to insure us medically. We earned our own pensions, our own SS benefits, earned or purchased our own healthplans, own our own homes and many, many of us have paid all of our own living expenses for years …. even decades or all of our lives (regardless of marital status). We didn’t get to the place we are by staying home during our kids’ minority thereby pi$$ing away our best earning years. Some of us even paid ALL the family bills when we were part of a two-income couple and managed our family’s household budget for long-term continuity. And boomer women didn’t and don’t want to support able-bodied men unless they were serving as (temporary) SAHD’s in families where childcare expense would be cost-prohibitive.
I’m sorry to hear from FIH that he hasn’t been able to find any “quality” women who are used to paying their own living expenses and not looking for a man to support them. They’re out there but he’s probably been hunting in the younger Gen X/Millenial category and, for the most part, he’s going to get exactly what he can find in those categories.
And yes, as Russ pointed out, it’s true that men are attracted by looks first and only consider other attributes after the female passes his “looks” bar (um, yes … even men who are 65+)! That’s just the way it is and this will never change. Lazy females of all ages who are “letting themselves go” and/or have remained underemployed/unemployed when their incomes were desperately needed by their household are doing/have done so at their own peril (again, regardless of marital status). Divorce judges aren’t kind to able-bodied women who are purposely unemployed or underemployed (whether parents … or not), especially in CA.
All of the Donald’s spouses were successful in their own right and had personal sports endorsements (Ivana, a boomer), TV and radio gigs (Marla, a late-boomer American from a fairly well-off family) and top model pay and a jewelry company (Melania, a Gen X) before they each married him. NONE of them needed the Donald to pay their bills so they could continue to live on their own before they married him. Had any of them NOT ever married Donald, they would ALL still be financially okay today because they are ALL very motivated individuals. THAT MOTIVATION (plus their beauty, of course) was what Donald was attracted to. Ivana, in particular, worked 8-14 hour days for more than a decade in Donald’s hotel(s) and was instrumental in their success. She received a large lump sum in her divorce (to set her for life) and deserved every penny of it. Donald had/has prenups with his second and third wives. Marla likely wasn’t married to Donald long enough to be awarded a regular monthly alimony check but nonetheless, received a settlement in her divorce to start over as a middle-class resident of Los Angeles, where she could pursue her acting and TV career. Melania was still peddling her jewelry on TV as late as last month. In all three of these cases, it was actually DONALD who insisted all his spouses stay home with their kid(s) when they were young because he frequently worked 12-18 hour days. In short, he was a workaholic all of his life. It was DONALD who insisted on paying child support to Marla for Tiffany to live nearly FT with her mom in CA (3000 miles away from him) because that was what was best for her (because of his erratic work schedule). In all cases, DONALD put his kids first, took care of ALL of them financially during all of their minorities, sent four of them to college (with one left to go) and did not hang around all of his life “living a lie,” as the Clinton’s did, (however much they were in collusion over their “big lie”) :=0
“Locker-room talk” aside, we can’t begrudge President-Elect Trump for “doing the right thing by his family” all of his life, regardless of his personal circumstances. That alone is the most telling mark of his character, in my opinion.