[quote=FlyerInHi]This is for you , BG. Enjoy!
We don’t need the flyover states. All we need are the blue states and the rising new economy cities. We should treat the reds like apartheid South Africa.
George Will wrote:
Arizona whites have gone from 74 percent to 54 percent of the population in 25 years; minorities will be a majority there by 2022. Texas minorities became a majority in 2004; whites are now 43 percent of the population. Nevada is 52 percent white and projected to be majority-minority in 2020. Georgia is 54 percent white, heading for majority-minority in 2026. Because of inexorably rising minorities, Clinton, an epically untalented candidate, did better than Obama did in 2012 in Georgia, Texas, Arizona and where 1 in 8 Americans lives — California. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/opinions/a-ruinous-triumph-for-the-gop/2016/11/09/18b9e804-a6a3-11e6-ba59-a7d93165c6d4_story.html
[/quote]Well, I’m not sure how many people actually read the (extremely biased) WAPO rag OR George Will, one of its top lackey “editorialists”, but why does your brand of “identity politics” even matter in attempting to decide why a particular state is currently red or blue? Why do you automatically assume that the more so-called “minorities” a state has, the bluer it will become? That actually could not be further from the truth.
The only exception is the presence of undocumented immigrant voters in a particular state, how plentiful they are and whether they actually make it to the polls to vote on election day (or make it to the address where they had their absentee ballot sent to pick up that ballot, fill it out and mail it back). Those (illegal) voters in a Trump versus Clinton contest (where one candidate has threatened to deport them) would most definitely vote for Clinton …. for obvious reasons.