The goal is for America to lead against the use of chemical weapons.[/quote]
Why should America act alone in punishing somebody for using Chemical weapons. The ban on the use of chemical weapons was established by a multi-nation treaty. That multi-nation committee that made the ban should come to an agreement on the punishment and execution of that punishment. Why should America institute some sort of vigilantly justice without the support of the member nations that established that ban.
Those that support a limited strike seem to think launching a couple cruise missiles against some kind of palace is good punishment for Assad and more importantly it allows Obama to saved face. Obama being labeled weak because he made a bad bet by stating he had a red line is worse than the potential consequences that result in launching a few cruise missiles.
Honestly tell me you’d support a limited strike on Assad if Romney was president and had made the same statements as Obama. Sometimes the guy or girl you support politically does something dumb and you just have to come to the conclusion that they aren’t the person you think they are.