[quote=FlyerInHi]the argument that total property tax receipts are too low because of prop 13 is totally dishonest.
Since prop 13, real estate prices have skyrocketed. Notwithstanding prop 13, property tax receipts have outpaced population growth plus inflation. In that regard, Prop 13 totally failed to cap government’s take.[/quote]
Yes, we are all being subsidized, and we are all subsidizing (those of us who pay taxes, or higher prices for goods/services, etc.).
I’m not necessarily arguing that tax receipts are too low, though I’m not arguing against that, either. We’ve also added billions upon billions (trillions?) of dollars in debt because taxpayers keep voting for more expensive infrastructure, services, and amenities.
And you’re failing to account for the *type* of population growth since the passing of Prop 13. We’ve been adding more and more poor immigrants who tend to consume more of our taxpayer-funded goods and services. But I’m not going to blame them so much as I blame their employers who are paying less than a living wage because of our subsidies. All users (illegal immigrants, and I’d be willing to add citizens to the group so that places like Walmart are held accountable, too) of public goods and services should have to possess an “entitlement” card, paid for by their employer, that covers all of the public costs associated with them and their dependents.