[quote=FlyerInHi]The 90s. That would be GenX. [/quote]
Hmmm…when I hear the term Millenials I think of people born in the late 70’s/early 80’s to early 2000s. I was born in Sept ’79 so I consider myself a cusper.
[quote]He makes less money than in the private sector but he doesn’t care. He’s smart, has skills and can write his own ticket. He’s thinking about quit his job again and starting a business. That’s a different attitude from boomers who were more salarymen.[/quote]
Yes that can be tied to our generation, but as Flyer said earlier, you boomers did it too (for instance my father). I know someone, programmer at Google for 5+ years and now going to quit for a year to study for MCAT and then decide if he “wants” to be a doctor. Boomers might think he’s nuts, but to me it seems like a safe bet. If he enjoys it and it gives him more meaning to life good for him, if not he can pretty much find a mid 6 figure job elsewhere. I guess Google on resumes look good.