Interesting video, but GHWB and Reagan couldn’t have possibly foreseen back then the blatant “gaming of the system” that has been successfully done in recent decades by those millions of MX Nationals who have managed to (illegally) stay in the US indefinitely using our hospitals, healthcare, SNAP (some eligible), commodity food aid, private charity aid (incl Catholic Charities in SD), SSI and now OASDI and Medicare, and, in some cases, nearly filling up entire public schools!
In addition, the notion of “anchor babies” probably hadn’t occurred to either candidate at that time. Nor could either candidate envision the impact illegal immigration would have on the states’ (ESP CA) justice systems, jails and prisons (including criminal, civil and domestic court systems) as well as the hundreds of thousands of their children (millions nationwide?) attending public schools. Both candidates were carefully spewing “sound bytes” that “sounded compassionate” at the time, imho, but neither had obviously had time to think through the ramifications of the (good) question that the kid asked them in the debate.