It never ceases to amaze me that these days, more Americans are interested in seeing other people fail then they are interested in seeing people succeed… Talk about the total Schadenfreude mentality that if I can’t have it better, then neither can you…
Envy-fluenza strikes again..
Wrong: I wish Elon Musk with Tesla, Lockheed with their fusion reactor project, and Sunpower with their high efficiency solar panels all of the luck in the world. Same to anyone building hydro power projects where they make sense and producers of modern fission reactor tech.
I just happen to think that the frack industry, as has existed for the last 5-10 years is an insanely asinine idea. And that oil as energy should have been left in the last century.[/quote]
I agree with you spd, but I take a different tack. Theoretically, not fracking for oil today doesn’t mean that we are wasting resources. We would be saving it for future use while Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezuela deplete their oil reserves in the present. We would have very strong future competitive advantage.
This is what I’ve always questioned as well. Wouldn’t it be more prudent for us to save everything for the time when petroleum products had mostly been depleted in the rest of the world, leaving us with the most highly-valued assets. Of course, that would likely lead to resource wars, the likes of which we haven’t seen to this date.
Just seems counterintuitive to be doing all of this drilling/fracking at this time.
And could not agree more about the need for other types of energy sources. We should have kicked the oil & gas industry to the curb back in the 70s instead of letting them drive our economic and political policies over these past few decades. As we all know, this is why we’ve spent so much money, and lost so many lives, in these wasteful wars. What many people don’t know is that we’ve been doing this since WWI (and before).