[quote=FlyerInHi]spd, to do what you want, you need money.
Teaching could be rewarding, but maybe not teach loser kids who won’t listen.
If you don’t work and save, then your kids won’t have anything. Are you sure you want them to go to state schools and then fend for themselves afterwards? . . . [/quote]
Ahem …. brian, there’s nothing wrong with “state schools.” My kid(s) who graduated from them (4-year schools) are doing just fine …. to the tune of $120K to $140K annually, AFAIK. They’re doing better in life than I ever did. Students who graduate from CA “state schools” with a marketable degree can and should “fend for themselves.” That’s what I did (with a limited education) from age 17 forward and that’s what every able-bodied adult with sound mind should do!
You’re “fear-mongering” here and I don’t think that’s going to come off too well to the parent-masses reading your post. The UC and the CSU are the best in the country at what they do for the masses of young people in this state …. for different reasons.