[quote=FlyerInHi]So far, it’s the employee unions going to court on technical contractual grounds to stop the will of the voters and the decisions of politicians. It’s their right, so let the process unfold.
Courts cannot impose new taxes. Courts can only deal with the resources now available.
If you want to make your solution work, you need to sell you plan to the public and your elected representatives.[/quote]
Again, we are NOT talking about “new” taxes. We’re talking about getting rid of subsidies.
And the numbers do not back up what you’re claiming regarding the percentage of people against unions. Over and over again, more labor-friendly politicians have been voted in over the years, and people have voted in favor of protecting workers’ contracts…much to the chagrin of the folks behind the privatization movement who’ve been pouring in BILLIONS of dollars trying to convince the voters that the economic crisis is the result of govt workers instead of corrupt criminals in the financial sector and private govt contractors who’ve been financing the war against workers (you didn’t actually think they were taxpayer advocates, did you?).
Oh, and who do you think is fighting the unions? That’s right, bondholders and their insurers (and private contractors, but that’s another story to deal with)!
“The recent war of words between the California Public Employees’ Retirement System and a Bermuda- based bond-insurance company called Assured Guaranty Ltd. (AGO) has made it clear that California officials would rather stiff bondholders than trim even the most generous pension benefits promised to public-sector workers.
The debate centers on Stockton, California, the largest city in the nation to declare bankruptcy. In its initial proposal to creditors, the city would fully fund its pension system while walking away from $124 million in debt from pension-obligation bonds it floated in 2007.”