[quote=FlyerInHi]Scaredy, I really love reading your posts.
Humm… kill the tyrants. I was talking to my brother about this. He loves his guns and wants to protect them. I told him that since be owns guns already, he should support strict gun control because that would make his collection more valuable. It’s like owning a house in a great neighborhood and forbidding any new construction.
except new gun control may mean that possession of certain firearms are illegal and potentially a felony based upon how they look…
He admits that “standing up to the tyrants” is just a stupid but effective vote getting argument especially when the NRA also supports stronger police and military. The military outguns any citizen and can easily take away the guns if necessary.
Umm.. that just compromised your earlier statement – which is then just a ‘spin lead in’ to this segment. While the military outguns, outgun does not always outdo quantity.
If anyone should have taken up arms, the slaves, during the civil war, should have revolted and taken over while the men were away, like the peasants revolted in Russia or China and killed all the aristocrats who oppressed them[/quote]
Um.. some of the slaves actually did! http://www.historynet.com/african-americans-in-the-civil-war