Newbie Pigg phaster is in the habit of posting multiple (mostly dated) links in effort to incite public “outrage” over contracts made long ago with current and former CA local government employees.
For most paying attention that are not marxists, I think there is plenty of outrage.
At this point I’ve thrown in the hat – when my job dries up, I’m leaving California. The last thing I want to do is work until my death so some gd govt worker can retire in luxury meanwhile I’m living in poverty. Screw that….
public employee unions and california state govt are higly skilled in robbing/preying upon tax paying private sector workers in california.[/quote]
Voting with your feet is the best way. I already did although I’m still paying CA taxes on CA related income, and property taxes. I hate property taxes that I see no personal benefit from.
I don’t mind paying taxes. But taxes should be for services to citizens and the poor. Not golden pensions.[/quote]
If you own property, then you benefit from the services provided via property taxes. What would the value of your property be without a local school district? How much would it be worth without roads, sidewalks, streetlights, local parks, sanitation services, police and fire protection, etc.?
This is what’s so messed up about many people who oppose taxes. They have no idea how these tax payments end up benefiting them. Very often, they receive an even greater benefit than what they pay because public infrastructure, as a whole, is often worth far more than the sum of its parts.
We desperately need better financial, economic, and political education in our schools. There are far too many people walking around who think that they know what they’re talking about when they really have no clue.