[quote=FlyerInHi]Not playing your heart out is better for your cholesterol and staying in shape.
You want to be placid and zen for the rest of your life. Keep on going and going and going. Never get excited over anything especially food.
People who play their heart out would probably pig out at the buffet or drink a 6 pack of beer in one sitting.[/quote]
We’re all going to die. Not a single one of us will avoid it, no matter how hard we try. I’ve seen too many people who were obsessed about their health die at a young age.
Eat, drink, and be merry…relish every moment with every ounce of passion you can muster because it may well be your last. Just try to do everything in relative moderation. Might as well enjoy it while you’re here because you can’t take it with you when you die. 🙂
I’m learning this as I go because I used to worry about everything, especially health/life/death (still do), but have realized that worry will not extend life nor make it better in any way. Watched too many people who ate fully organic, exercised excessively, etc…and died way, way too young. We cannot control fate; it is a difficult lesson to learn.