So, it could be that like hair color and eye color, genetically related groups are more likely to share political opinions. It also suggests that no matter how much we think we’ve chosen our politics, we probably haven’t.
Maybe conservatives’ responses to disgusting images show their lesser ability to think abstractly and separate their individual revulsion from the theoretical.
In talking to conservatives, I often hear arguments like “I’m successful, so why should I feed losers who don’t have the discipline and force of character to take care of themselves. I started from nothing, and I made it. So can they. They live pretty well already, so they have nothing to bitch about.”
Liberal are more likely to talk in broader terms about policies that work for everybody, taking their individual circumstances less into account.[/quote]
Have to agree with Brian on this. The level of disgust in those studies isn’t necessarily related to any kind of empathetic feeling on the part of the participants. I think it’s more related to their intolerance of things that don’t conform to their ideals and expectations.