To quote one of my favorite characters, Syndrome, “When everyone is super, nobody will be.” Beauty is a relative term – to say everyone is beautiful makes it meaningless. You may like everyone, you may find them to be valuable and meritorious, or you may say that physical beauty is unimportant to you in terms of other people’s worth. All of that would be fine. But everyone isn’t beautiful, or smart or funny.
And although I think your motives are genuine, there are a lot of people out there who say everything is great (for example, local school principle who uses the word “amazing” 100 times/parent meeting) to prove the depths of their own enthusiasm, rather than the merit of the object of their compliments.[/quote]
I agree. Superlative terms should be reserved for the top 20% percent.[/quote]
That would be fine if “beautiful” was a superlative term, but it’s not.