[quote=FlyerInHi]Lot splitting will eventually be allowed especially if Uber autonomous cars become ubiquitous and parking requirements decrease.
This is a new house in Portland built on the former lawn of another house.
[/quote]I watched this video and it reminds me a little of Venice (in LA County). There are portions of SoCal coastal counties which have allowed 35′ wide lots for many decades. But NOT to the degree that Portland, Oregon has apparently issued a “variance” for (just 15′ and we don’t know how long for, lol).
Notice that the owner is single and the only one living there.
The homeowner even stated that he is not entirely sure of his actual lot lines. (Was that concrete staircase on the left side of this cramped “traincar” actually built on his lot??) This (deplorable) public record-keeping would never happen in CA. Nor would any lot narrower than 35′ be approved. Since the minimum width of a residential lot in the City of SD is 50 feet, this precludes any “lot splitting” en masse happening in SD. Good luck with that, brian.