[quote=FlyerInHi]If we were talking about life in general, I would agree.
But we’re talking CV North, the home of the tiger parents, the scientists and engineers. People who want ultimate control.
In the past, the judge, or county official or the CEO was more like everyone else. Now we are in the word of big data, API scores, IQ tests, and other numerical objective measures. Njtosd brought up assortive mating in the educated class.[/quote]
Regardless of how much “control” a parent “wants,” it is difficult to “control” all aspects of the life of an 18-year-old. Short of threatening to throw them out or cut them off if they are in college, there is little a parent can do at that point. They just have to hope that their kid is doing what they are supposed to be doing when they are supposed to be doing it and not making stupid life-changing decisions for the worse.
Any parent who feels otherwise (“tiger” or no) is suffering from delusions. Kids who have reached the age of 18 are free to vote with their feet if they don’t like their lives the way they are.
I see a couple of kids in my sphere approaching 18 who just may very well do that. Both have one parent who is a paranoid, delusional hyper-vigilant home-schooling lunatic who has successfully thus far kept them away from their peers as well as all TV, radio, popular music, internet (controlled to homeschool sites only), mainstream clothing and drives them only to pre-vetted families’ homes where pre-arranged approved topics will be discussed.
And no, these “crazy” parents aren’t middle eastern … they are both Americans born in the US who got wrapped up in a “cult” in the past 10-12 years.
The other parent(s) live in the home but are codependents who fear having to pay child support so they are just counting the days …. the whole situation is so sad all around … It’s hard to watch a train wreck unfolding …