It won’t translate pictograms in images, but it does get the Unicode or Big5 characters.
This is something I mentioned a while back – that the Chinese numbers are suspect. I was watching it grow.. and then all of a sudden, the numbers of infections stopped growing and the number of deaths nearly stopped at the same time. Incubation time of the disease is about 2 to 12 days, resolution (clearing the disease or death) can be up to 3 weeks. This means that the Wuhan death toll should have continued to increase for nearly 4 weeks after the infection rate dropped to near zero.
Some of this jives with what I have been seeing (numerically). The death rate once someone goes ‘critical’ is around 30% or more. There is a very large asymptomatic or weak infection group. Because of the weak stochastic testing, the reason why COVID-19 goes from a weak infection to a serious infection-death may be hard to discover, as well as its true death rate on infection.
The only countries that seem to have done a half decent job are Germany and South Korea.