Hi Carli, now that Trump is the nominee, what is your assessment of his support among the American people?
I feel Trump supporters have always been the same and they have always been there. They were contained but they just found their man in Trump; and they are now unbound. That’s about 30% to 40% of the population.
Then we have 20% of the population that is waking up to Trump being too scary.
Finally 40% of the population that I too would call “too smart to go for Trump.”[/quote]
Hi FIH, I can’t speculate about who these people are or what motivates them to support Trump, but it’s bizarre to me that a decent chunk of the population apparently lacks the critical thinking skills to realize how far back he would set our country if he were to become President.
I get that these people feel disenfranchised/pissed off by politicians and love Trump’s shoot-from-the-hip lack of political correctness, but how can they possibly think he is qualified in any way to be President of the U.S.? And how are they not instead totally freaked out by how dangerous he would be?
During all my years in NYC, Trump was dismissed as a total laughingstock, always making an ass of himself. He never made any good deals, especially since his only motivation was his ego. But now it seems the world (or at least the Republican party) has become topsy turvey and Trump is somehow now a candidate for President. It’s surreal to me. Seriously, I cannot imagine who thinks this is a good idea. Scary.