Gay marriage, and abortion and Obamacare are here to stay with no chance of going back… Maybe a little on abortion in some states. On economics, some deficit spending, and not a balanced budget, is the consensus. A debt level at a portion of the economy is healthy. Nobody, not even Trump will deport unauthorized residents.
Those are all dead end issues that will lead to disappointment on the right.
For progressives, however, there is a path forward. Universal health care with some form of single payer, combined with private health insurance choices, will happen. It’s just a matter of time. Gay marriage will become part of the fabric of American life, etc… On social issues, public opinion is progressive. We will move ahead sooner or later.
Aren’t you contradicting yourself in these 2 paragraphs.
First you say Obamacare is here to stay then you say we’re going to have universal health coverage. Wouldn’t that mean Obamacare is getting replaced. As I see it Obamacare will likely cease to function if they can’t get costs under control. There’s nothing that forces an insurance company to operate in the exchanges and if costs continue to rise and healthy individuals drop plans then the insurance companies will just stop offering plans in various markets. It might end up worse than before. People used to be able to buy some sort of stripped down/catastrophic plan. That could be replaced by a situation where they can’t buy any plan at all because no insurance company offers any in their market.