[quote=FlyerInHi][quote=EconProf]CAR: You report how business donations far outweigh labor donations. But don’t a lot of businesses support liberal causes? Solyndra comes to mind. With crony capitalism under Obama, big business is “persuaded” to help out the existing administration, whether Democrat or Republican. Let’s remember that true conservatives do not automatically support big business.
I think true conservatives would not focus on solyndra, which is small fish. They would focus of the homeland security and military industrial complex that has built up in the DC area and across the country.
They would also focus on how our military has screwed things up that we have to keep on using the military on unscrew things. That situation seems like the perfect climate for the security/armament/defense business.[/quote]
I don’t get distracted by non-economic issues where politics are concerned. That’s not to say that these issues are unimportant, but that they pale in comparison to economics. I’m far more concerned about what the donors are doing WRT the position of labor (union and non-union workers), and how their actions and activities affect workers’ compensation and general quality of life vs that of “capital” (those who do not work for their living, but invest/speculate for a living, instead). When looked at from that perspective, there is no question that capital has been outspending labor by many multiples. See my link, above, for the info.