The appointment is later today. I’ve been watching that little stain on my scalp. I dismissed it as nothing – like a small Gorbachev stain. But it grew; and BG’s “swift death” comment caused me to make an appointment.[/quote]
Are you back, yet? Glad this blog and BG prompted you to action.
Just remember, many of us have been in your shoes more times than we care to count…and we’re still here. 🙂
Hope everything went well for you today.
A PSA for everyone here, including the lurkers:
If you notice a new mole, or changes in an existing mole — including thickness/texture, bleeding, itchiness, changes in size or shape or color, etc. — get it checked right away. Do not put it off or try to convince yourself that it’s nothing. It will probably be nothing, but it’s always better to be safe than sorry. Melanoma can be easily cured if caught early, but it can become a very serious problem if found later. Do a monthly check in front of a full-length mirror, and check your scalp, ears (all sides), bottoms of feet/palms of hands, and all “hidden” areas, too.