[quote=FlyerInHi]Cap health care to 10% of the economy. Can easily be done through policy.
We should also retire in cheap locales — Pensacola, Panama, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, etc… Good for those local economies and good for retirees. Change Medicare to cover medical expenses overseas.
I plan to buy a condo in Thailand (when the next financial crisis hits). On $2,000 per month (excluding housing) I can live very well. Just travel back and forth. Social security + income on 1 rental should cover it. I don’t even need to touch my principal.[/quote]More power to ya, FIH, but I don’t want to leave the country. If Trump becomes president, he states he plans on making all healthplans nationwide and portable (eliminating the state barriers among insurance carriers). That’s a great start but I think I’m going to contact my legislator about writing up a bill to introduce to the next Congress and administration to bring back HDHPs when the Repub Congress is in the middle of figuring out how to gut the ACA without too much disruption. For example, I didn’t sign up for “maternity benefits” or “autism coverage” for my child when I applied for my HDHP in 2004 and I don’t want to continue to pay for these services now. There are other services on my “ACA-compliant” healthplan that I don’t need and I don’t need as comprehensive of coverage as I have. I can deal with a $5K deductible and $12K OOP maximum and don’t need a “paternal” gubment to decide for me, otherwise. I want an affordable plan (without needing a “subsidy” to help pay for it where the gubment at all levels is constantly in my personal business, twice conducting unauthorized effing with my income and cancellation my plan), a good CHOICE of providers and NATIONWIDE coverage and am not alone. There are MANY people like myself who are on the road several weeks per year where anything can happen in the blink of an eye.
If I end up getting “roped into” lobbying in Sac or the like for healthplan “reform” in the wake of the ACA being piecemeal gutted, then so be it. I know how and there is a hotel room with my name on it waiting for me up there :=0
I feel very passionate about bringing back into CA all six health insurance carriers that defected at the end of 2013, in the wake of Obamacare :=)
I was registered as a dem for 25 years but I want to know WTH they were thinking when they passed the ACA. It is the most ridiculous, costly, poorly-thought-out piece of legislation that I have seen in my lifetime. From “ground zero,” its mechanics and moving parts are completely unworkable and are causing state gubments to actually run amok going “rogue” in their efforts to decide themselves who is and who isn’t eligible for a subsidy and how much. That decision was supposed to be the purview of the IRS but for the last two years, the hopelessly incompetent Covered CA has been taking it upon themselves to decide. It’s a comedy of errors which unfortunately has far-reaching ramifications, including effing up thousands of people’s lives. It’s a shining example of the “Peter Principle” in all its glory.
Everything should have been left alone and the people who had letters from carriers turning them down for coverage due to pre-existing conditions should have been able to use those letters to receive affordable coverage from the state insurance pool which EVERY carrier doing biz in the state is forced to join. I wouldn’t have minded a little added to my premium to get these people coverage. The gubment didn’t have to eff with the many thousands of OTHER existing individual policyholders. We were fine.