I m curious who they are what they’re trying to do.[/quote]
Watch the video and you’ll get a fair understanding of it.
It’s the globalists and New World Order crowd — think tanks, foundations, NGOs, corporations, finance, and the United Nations, among others. They are ushering in Agenda 21, which is now part of the “Sustainable Development Goals 2030.”
None of this is conspiracy theory. It’s conspiracy fact. It’s all in their documents: open borders, elimination of wealth inequality between individual people and countries, Human Habitation Zones where people will be permitted to live in high-density housing that is accessed primarily by public transit (like the apartment zoning where they’re allowed to build entire projects with NO off-street parking), no private cars (or high fees to drive or park them, with “black boxes” to track all of your movement), a “sharing economy” where people will not be allowed to own private property (and some want to eliminate private ownership of personal property like furniture, bikes, etc. — this is where the bike/scooter share ideas come from), 5G everywhere so they can track your movments and consumption (it’s all about very detailed data collection and control of your appliances and electronic equipment via “smart” devices, not faster Youtube videos — this is why they’re installing 5G with cameras and microphones on all the street lights and public buildings), veganism (or insects for protein), water/food/energy rationing, etc.