[quote=FlyerInHi][quote=CA renter] Some people are born overweight — and not having anything to do with the mother’s diet during pregnancy. Many people have never been “normal” weight in their entire lives.
Nobody is born into a fat adult.
There’s a 20 years process to grow up into adulthood, then there’s another 20 years to get to middle age.
Without the input of calories, it’s not possible to become fat.
You’re wrong. Many people are born fat…they’ve never been “normal” weight, not even for a single day in their lives. My sister was over 11 pounds when she was born. My (very vain) mother had her on diets her whole life. She was never in the “normal” weight range, even as a baby, with all of these diets. As a young adult, she took massive amounts of pills (speed) and starved herself an an attempt to lose weight. While she lost some weight, she still never got to a “normal” weight. She grew up depressed, largely because of her weight, and ended up committing suicide when she was 24 years old.
So, yeah, I have pretty strong feelings about this. I get pissed when petty, vain, ignorant people (who almost always were blessed with a faster metabolism) try to shame those who are overweight.