[quote=FlyerInHi][quote=CA renter]Which brings me to my next question…
If SAH spouses and alimony awards are “relics from days gone by” and no longer appropriate, would you agree that the tradition of a woman taking a man’s name and naming her children after him is equally inappropriate? After all, these traditions are carried forward from times when women and their children were the property of men. There is far less justification for this tradition than for alimony awards for SAHPs.[/quote]
I couldn’t give a rat’s ass if my kids didn’t have my name. That custom is a relic.
If I get married, I will marry up the class ladder, not down, so the mom’s name would probably go farther.
I like how the Spanish hyphenate names.
CAr, you like to point to Europe as an example. Did look at their attitudes regarding sex and marriage?
As far as our system here, it is what it is. People go in with their eyes wide open. I don’t have much sympathy if things don’t work out and they feel screwed.[/quote]
It’s easy to say that you don’t care about your kids having your last name because you’re unlikely to ever have kids. Ask most men out there, and they would most likely disagree with you, entirely. And try polling men to see how many would be willing to take the wife’s name so that the whole family can have the same last name and avoid the hyphen drama, altogether. I’d like to see the results of that poll.