[quote=FlyerInHi]BG, you don’t get it because your bias is in protecting a certain lifestyle. The people who get are the ones who build or buy. You are not the one creating value. If your neighborhood goes up in value, it’s because of buyers. You didn’t lift a finger, and you didn’t buy for investment/appreciation.
As for the “millions is yous” when you die or your kids move away, there will be new people. Demographics is the data you want to examine. BtW, I know people who moved away beginning in the 90s because “Latinos/immigrants were ruining the state, blah blah …” Guess what? The new people are here and the old people are gone. And the new people are the ones who possess the hard work and initiative to make it work.[/quote]FIH, I DID “lift a finger” to “create my own value” if I decide to sell because I have made and will continue to make substantial improvements to my property … some of it DIY.
My kids are already gone and won’t be coming back to SD. If something should happen to me, they’ll sell my residence and split the proceeds. SD is NOT the be-all and end-all of CA for a younger worker-bee. It is highly overrated for what typical jobs pay here in comparison to other regions of the state. I’m open-minded when it comes to CA as I attended school in my elem years in Alameda County and have traveled all over the state dozens of times (except for the NE corner north of Redding (“Yreka”). That area (and being a passenger, NOT driver on the Rubicon Trail, lol) are both on my list of CA places to explore 🙂
I’m getting “older” now and am still here (along with most of my neighbors who are mostly older than me). My area is FULL of native San Diegans and native Chula Vistans who are 55 and up. And it is just one of hundreds of cities in CA which still have a very high “native” population. Many of the SD “natives” I’ve known who moved away (out of state) in recent decades later regretted the move and could not easily move back here on a fixed income and/or if they lost too much money buying and selling RE in the state they moved to.
brian, if you’re waiting until all the NIMBYs in coastal CA counties “die off” to return and “make your mark” here, you’re going to be waiting a lo-o-o-o-ng time :=0