[quote=FlyerInHi]BG, the federal court decision will likely be appealed and overturned.
ACA is here to stay so better get used to It; otherwise, the disappointment will be yours.
BTW, what do you think of Hillary’s Medicare buy in proposal for those over 50?[/quote]FIH, we don’t yet know who will be replacing Scalia on the Supreme Court …. OR any of the octogenarians who are currently sitting on it (if the decision takes several years to get heard). You are leaping to conclusions here as to who will be “running the show” from 2017 forward.
I’ll take a look at it but I’m not really interested in Hillary’s proposals at this point in time, especially if it involves taking a hit on my SS (OASDI) formula later. I’ve already been offered by my retirement assn to take some SS now and take a hit on my benefit formula later and I declined as it’s not in my best interest.
If the ACA has no chance of being repealed, I personally have other choices for health coverage in life and will pull plan B and C out of my sleeve for further examination. I haven’t considered them too closely thus far as they both involve relocation.
I would consider Bernie’s single-payer plan before I would consider anything Hillary has to offer. You are also leaping to conclusions about her certain candidacy, as well. You fail to take into account that superdelegates have been successfully “stolen” by one Dem candidate from another in the past … from their convention to the general election. When push comes to shove, superdelegates, first and foremost, represent their party and have never voted against the will of their voters and thus are subject to flip-flop on their allegiances in a NY minute.
The truth is … nothing is off the table in this election.
Keep in mind that all is fair and love and politics and the “fat lady” hasn’t even stepped onto the stage, yet.
Certainly at some level, you must be aware of all this but are choosing not to discuss it here so I’m happy to bring it out in the open with a bright flashlight shining on it. Your insistence that Hill is a shoe-in for the nomination is just another instance of you continuing to put your hands over your ears and humming. Carry on …. :=]