The above comments are just another example of a broad brushstroke of the electorate painted by Piggs who are obviously wrapped up in their own fantastical delusions of how wonderful their own political views and ideologies are.[/quote]
Pitchfork peasants are riled up nativist-populists. non college educated and non cosmopolitan. In the the UK the motto was “we want our country back”.[/quote]Is there something wrong with that, FIH? Just because someone “wants their country back,” it doesn’t make them “`Pitchfork peasants” (who) ‘are riled up nativist-populists. non college educated and non cosmopolitan.'” Not by a long shot. Again, you’re painting every voter who wants change from the corrupt “status quo” with a very broad brush here.
You obviously don’t realize that many large cities in “flyover country” (which you claim are full of non-college-educated `pitchfork peasants’) are actually very “cosmopolitan” places to live and work in. Take Tulsa, OK, for example in that (gasp!) “red state.” There are LOTS of cultural things to do there and the residents there dress a helluva a lot better that those in SD, CA to attend cultural events. It also has hundreds of historical residential properties and and beautiful well-planned historical neighborhoods with park-like walkways with streams running thru, etc. The whole city is also very pretty in the fall and has gorgeous lakes on the west side.
Believe it or not, over 75K native Southern Californians have relocated to Tulsa over the past ~15 years. Many have started successful small businesses.
Yet, most of those scumbag, “uneducated, pitchfork peasants” residing in Tulsa County voted for Cruz in the primaries. Go figure :=0