I’ve done all I could, and, except for paying the campus room/board bill, my kid’s diet is not my problem anymore. They either learned from my (boring) example of maybe 5-6 dishes I know how to make well … or they didn’t.
Every adult has to find their own food path … what works for them.[/quote]
For sure… At least you did your job.
My dad at age 82 also saw the light after attending all his best friends’ funerals. They are all gone now. He was never fat and good genes helped otherwise he would not be here today. If he keeps is up (still drives and go works out at the gym) I don’t see why he wouldn’t live independently to 100.
As for “boring” food, whenever I have people over, I order from the local restaurant. Then I give all the leftovers to the guests as they depart.
Eating healthy is so uncool and antisocial that it’s a deep dark secret I only share online.[/quote]
Ha! If I cook a holiday dinner and have people over, 90% of the turkey, trimmings and dessert goes home with my guests. I keep certain parts of the turkey for my cat and shred some white meat for salads.
My family wasn’t as lucky as yours with the gene pool we were dealt (hereditary cancer, heart disease and heart defects and both type I and II diabetes) so I have been pretty vigilant with my diet from a young age (after “retiring” from amateur athletics). I don’t give a rat’s a$$ what people think of my bowl of steel-cut or old-fashioned oats every morning. Discussion of one’s macrobiotic diet might be “taboo” in some social circles but anyone who wants to discuss the reasons why I so firmly believe in it can just pull up their elephant in my driveway and I’ll break out the folding chairs 🙂