[quote=FlyerInHi]ah, dreams… easier said than done.
I’v been fairly lucky compared to most people. So I’m thankful. But lots of people more talented than me don’t have what I have.
Sometimes dreams should stay dreams — something unattainable. It’s not really helpful to tell people to live their dreams. It’s oftentimes destructive.
Look at the people in LA trying to become actors, screenwriters, etc… most of them will end up, old, poor, and rejected, perhaps addicts who will die early in bad health. I know such a person.
It’s easy for the few who make it to say they lived the lives of their dreams.
People should understand their own limitations and live within their means. Or at least, through family or personal perseverance, to setup a nest egg to guarantee a baseline standard of living before, or while pursuing their dreams.
Telling people to live their dreams, no matter what, is a recipe for disappointment.[/quote]
I think much of this depends on the person. Some people for good or bad- just are not phased by…what is the word? Upward mobility, security, leaving a legacy.
Some would rather be a waiter at 45 and acting the occasional extra role than be tied to a desk.
For the dreamers, those that think they will make it. Have the Oscar speech all ready- yes, at some point if it doesn’t happen it’s time to move on. Those are the people who crack, burn and fade.