[quote=FlyerInHi] . . . Trump is a product of talk shows like glen beck and Rush Limbaugh. The loud squawking of tv personalities (wolf blitzer of cnn does it too). Talking about tv shows, I’m surprised that male audiences like aggressive squawking women (many peroxide blondes). . . . [/quote]LOL, FIH, one of my most “Trump-fanatical” friends (Hispanic, of course) texts me almost every day with links to FOX-TV newswomen squawking loudly and at warp speed from a teleprompter. ALL of them were “peroxide blondes” (with no roots visible) and very easy on the eyes so I can see how they would appeal to male audiences. IIRC, most appeared to me to be “Southern” or “Texan” and at least one of them was so young that she must have just graduated from college very recently. I don’t remember her name but she could definitely walk it and talk it and manage to successfully incite anger in her viewers in a matter of minutes without missing a beat :=0
Edit: The texts turned out to be from a Fox News Network that I don’t have. I only get Fox 5 SD and those days are numbered if I am to believe the messages covering a lot of my channels that Cox will soon be going ALL DIGITAL.
I turned in my cable box in January of this year KNOWING it was an election year but at that time, I didn’t realize the campaigning for POTUS would become so entertaining and distracting, lol. I still won’t go to Cox and get my cable box back. I have the internet and can look at what happened during the day on Yahoo or some other sites so all is good :=)