[quote=FlyerInHi]. . . Henry Ford paid his workers well and they spent their money on his cars. win-win. everyone is richer. . . .
[/quote]Read what you wrote, brian. “… his workers …” He KNEW how much “his workers” made and gave them first dibs to finance a Ford.
New vehicles cost much more today (2.5 to 5+ times one year’s proposed “UBI”) than in Henry Ford’s era. Most of those collecting UBI are going to have bad credit or no credit. Who is going to lend them the money to buy a new vehicle today? Even those auto dealers on the radio pushing subprime auto loans want to see $350 income per week, regardless of credit.
UBI at $10K year is only an average of $194.25 week. That isn’t even enough to live on your own, much less buy a vehicle. It’s barely enough for gas (for a used car “given” to you) and food and to help out the parent/relative with whom you’re living with utilities, plus a cell phone bill (if it isn’t too high).