[quote=FlyerInHi] . . . BG, If you drive a new car, you have much less chance of getting stopped. The police target old cars like your old Lexus. Your want profiling the Trump way? You got a taste of it. . . . [/quote]Ha, ha, FIH! Why don’t you try driving MY route sometime in your *newer* car! Make sure you pack your trunk relatively heavy, where it is visibly lower from your vehicle’s rear view. You’re going to be gone for weeks! You can start from beautiful El Centro, CA and work your way along I-8/I-10 all the way to El Paso, TX. We’ll let you have a 4-6 week “pass.” You will return to SD along the same route and come back and report to the Piggs your experience with Homeland Security east-west checkpoints in this great country of ours! I’m waiting with bated breath!
Oh, and I would recommend you get a “bra” for your car (or carry heavy-duty washing mitts and cleaners with you). We’re approaching “flying beetle season” in NM.
I’ve seen PLENTY of new and newer vehicles pulled into “secondary” at these makeshift traffic stops (which has never happened to me, btw). Yeah, even a new luxury car rental ($65K Mercedes Sedan) straight out of LAX! Of course, the Border Patrol/Customs agents can certainly tell by its CA plate configuration if a particular vehicle is from a rental fleet. Why don’t you tell me why the border patrol would pull over a carload of tourists who have obviously already been “vetted” with their documents at the time they entered the country at the airport??