…because he represents the Republican Party and the country, he will always have defenders.
Out of self preservation, our institutions, our country do not want a disgraced president so we will protect Trump.
I’ve also learned that if you live in a nice place and have nice things, it’s perfectly normal and American to consider other places shitholes. That’s how a “normal” guy talks and feels.[/quote]
#SADLY the concept of politically protecting “those of our own kind” is a part of popular political lore,… or simply stated
[quote] He [Trump] may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch
as to the “shithole” perspective,… FWIW on occasion I find myself in some pretty posh places that are exclusive and require one to make it past staff that function as riff raff filter,… anyway from what I’ve seen first hand, ultra fancy surroundings w/ staff in place to filter out those that don’t belong, doesen’t mean there won’t be some really dumb $hit heads present,…just sayin
anyway anyone else take some timeout for “fire and fury”
I was intrigued enough to read the book,… and my own take on the topic is there is nothing really new (just a variation of old themes)
[quote] …First, most adults have learned to sit still. But mentally, Trump is still a 7-year-old boy who is bouncing around the classroom. Trump’s answers in these interviews are not very long — 200 words at the high end — but he will typically flit through four or five topics before ending up with how unfair the press is to him.
His inability to focus his attention makes it hard for him to learn and master facts. He is ill informed about his own policies and tramples his own talking points. It makes it hard to control his mouth.
…Second, most people of drinking age have achieved some accurate sense of themselves, some internal criteria to measure their own merits and demerits. But Trump seems to need perpetual outside approval to stabilize his sense of self, so he is perpetually desperate for approval, telling heroic fabulist tales about himself.
…Third, by adulthood most people can perceive how others are thinking… But Trump seems to have not yet developed a theory of mind.
As for the latest,…
[quote] Lawyer paid $130k to silence adult-film star over sexual encounter with Trump: report
why go to movies to watch a drama, when there is real world “news” $hit that I would not have believed if it was part of plot line in a low budget soap opera (or comedy)