[quote=FlyerInHi] . . . At this point, it doesn’t matter what Trump says. He just needs to sound badass and not wimpy and his supporters will turn out. . . . [/quote]Well, I noticed how red and puffy his eyes were over the weekend and then last night I read reports (not sure how accurate they were) that Trump had been getting only 1.5 to 3 hrs of sleep per night while on the campaign trail. That’s hard to understand for me cuz he has a luxurious bdrm on his plane and can just take off his jacket and rest between gigs.
I suspect he’s been having too many long up-to-the-minute powows with his peeps (even regularly at 2 am) regarding what the airwaves have been saying about his campaign in the last 24 hours. He would do well to just ignore all this crap and plow on and let his peeps stategize over that sh!t. That’s what they earn the “big bucks” for so let them do their jobs.
Trump should devote no more than 10-15 minutes to powows (one before starting the day and one after ending the day) getting just the “bullet points” which took place over the airwaves in the last day (which he may be called upon by the MSM to respond to) and hear his peeps’ stategy on how they feel he should respond, even though he may have his own opinion and is typically pretty quick on the draw.
It’s way too soon in the election cycle for Trump to be suddenly hospitalized for “exhaustion” … or worse. The party is just getting started and this is one of the most interesting general election seasons most of us old boomers have witnessed in our lifetimes :=0