[quote=FlyerInHi]. . . And driving 1/2 way across the country to see your peeps is not enough . . . [/quote]FIH, on a typical road trip, I cover 7-10 states. I see both my “peeps” and old friends and mostly stay in their homes (except the nights immediately before/after I enter/leave SD). It isn’t just one route I take, although I-40 (Route 66) is the road I use most often. I’ve probably stayed in lodging every town with a 15K+ population along Route 66 from Barstow to Ft Smith, AR at one time or another (some towns multiple times). I would like to explore I-40/Route 66 further east/NE and will do the next few years.
Road trips are the best education a resident of the US can have and can be done relatively frugally. You should try it sometime, FIH. You might learn a few things 🙂