[quote=FlyerInHi] . . . Trump’s personality very is compatible with the brash, “cowboy” American lower-class mentality. It doesn’t matter that he’s not a policy expert, that he flip flops. All that matters is that he’s saying: “don’t fvck with America, because we will destroy you; and we will win, and win big!” . . . [/quote]
brian, I’ve suggested to you before here that you really need to get out more. I-8, I-10 and I-40 beckon. Have you actually been to the some of these spreads that the typical “brash, “cowboy” American (of supposed) lower-class mentality” owns and lives on? It’s not what you think. Real “cowboys” don’t live in run-down trailer parks full of meth labs. They have to be able to store their many (large and expensive) “toys,” equipment and animals. They make more off leasing their land for ranching per year than you would off owning and (laboriously) managing a fleet of short-term rentals in LV. As let’s not forget their gas and oil lease income which a good portion of their fathers and grandfathers negotiated with Big Oil back in the day.
If you actually met any of these guys, you might discover that they are clean, well groomed, both well-spoken and soft-spoken, well mannered, possibly college-educated and their boots and hat alone are worth more than the total of everything in your closet! TX is CHOCK FULL of these families, and to a lesser extent, OK and AR. Not everyone in the bible belt is a “right-wing, uneducated, nut job.” It is full of very sharp businessmen and women sans the flash and brash of Trump.
And Trump doesn’t need to be a “policy expert.” Trump has a good understanding of the issues this country is facing between his ears (esp foreign policy and military issues). He doesn’t even need cliff notes or a teleprompter. He most certainly knows enough people to find the best “policy experts” and “negotiators” in the country for his cabinet should be be elected.
Trump’s personality doesn’t bother me at all. He reminds me a little bit of my dad (who was very successful in his own right, I might add).
And no, I’m not a registered Republican and haven’t been since the Reagan era. I’m making up my mind on how I might re-register (if necessary) and who to vote for this year based upon how the candidates state they will deal with issues that I am most concerned about and whether I think what they are proposing is actually doable.