[quote=flyer]We all have different ideas about what constitutes great political decisions/achievements historically, and, although I don’t want to argue those points, suffice it to say that, a thinking person realizes there have been pros and cons to each and every one of them. Then, of course, some would say the pros outweigh the cons, but, that again, would also be a matter of opinion.
That said, even though neither I, my family, anyone we know, nor, I’m guessing, most Piggs, will be noticeably affected by whomever is elected President (until now, we’ve always voted for the candidate we felt represented the lesser of the evils) and really never have been, it is still difficult to watch the diabolical manipulation of voters being exhibited by the candidates on both sides. (Frankly, they all look and sound insane to me every time they speak.) . . . [/quote]
[quote=flyer]I was focused and speaking from a financial/economic perspective–since that seems to be the emphasis of the empty rhetoric we are enduring from both sides–and the way candidates are reeling in desperate voters. Although my statement was clear in my mind, I can understand how it may have seemed a broad generalization with unintended inferences . . . I think most voters just want to know if they and their children will be able to afford to live out the rest of their lives in a comfortable way–will they be able to afford their homes?–can they afford healthcare?–will they be able to retire? etc., etc., and it’s not looking good.
Although a small percentage of Americans at the top are acquiring more wealth, stats reveal that more and more people are drifting downward financially and losing ground–not just those in the middle class–especially as more and more of the population approaches their 50’s and loses their earning power for whatever reasons–so, imo, watching how those stats change for better or worse in the coming years will clearly tell us everything we need to know about the true power of either party. Because, if you can’t change what matters most–what’s the point?[/quote]
flyer, by your recent posts, you sound a bit apathetic to me. My main question is, do you plan on voting in the general election this year, and if so, will you vote for one of the “presumptive nominees” or will you cast a “protest vote” for president for an American Independent, Libertarian, Peace and Freedom or Green Party candidate? I’m not asking “who?” …. only if you plan on voting for POTUS in this year’s general election.
Do you not feel that Trump will be able to bring back living wage jobs to US soil? What are YOUR thoughts on what should be done about the ACA, if anything? And do you think CA coastal-dwelling millenials should all have the “home of their dreams” for their first home or should they be okay with buying a “starter home” for their first home … like the vast majority of their parents did (the boomers)?
And what are your views on age discrimination? Do you think it can be corrected with heavy-handed enforcement (via stronger language in EEOC, FEHA laws) looming over employer’s heads (i.e. having a “quota” of “over-50” employees for different-sized businesses when most of them would rather have none, regardless of the superior knowledge talent, experience, work ethic, punctuality and attendance of the over-50 former-worker set). How do you feel businesses can legally be compel to hire older workers when the vast majority of them don’t want any in their employ? Certainly, even a part-time job working in a field most of their experience was in would help a lot of retired and semi-retired people make ends meet or at the very least, make them a little more secure with a little extra to travel with, etc.
I see that a lot of people are finally hopeful this year (NO, I don’t believe for a minute that Americans think of POTUS candidates as their “saviors”). I believe that every vote can make a small difference … YES, even in (seemingly) “sewed up” CA. Certainly, you must be aware that it’s never, ever over until the “fat lady” sings at least 4 encores. Meanwhile, if you’re “enjoying the show,” more power to ya. In the end, one of the POTUS candidates will take the helm and we will ALL have to live with it :=]