[quote=flyer]kev, from what I’ve heard from friends who are in the “tech fields,” you might want to consider going wherever you can net the most. If you can also choose a place that has a great “quality of life,” all the better. Unfortunately, as many have commented, those two elements don’t always seem to go together.
Most of the friends I mentioned believe their best employment years may quickly end when they get into their 50’s or sooner–especially in those fields–so, IMO, making the big bucks early, should definitely factor into your decision.[/quote]I would second that. Bean-counter style management starts seeing you as ‘expensive’, then replaces you with 2 or 3 people who can’t complete the job collectively and whose collective salaries are more than you made.
Happened to me with the introduction of a MBA type bean-counter to a technical company. They look at cost per hour, but have a problem factoring in the ‘performance’ portion. Their calc’s are all ‘head-count’ and ‘per-head’ based.