[quote=flyer]It definitely seems that you and your husband are on the right track in many ways, but I would definitely try to refinance to a better mortgage rate, if at all possible.
Even with writeoffs, at that interest rate, that’s still a lot of money just evaporating every month.
Also, do continue down your path of saving and investing everything you possibly can.
Twenty years ago, several of my friends and I believed we had life all figured out. We were making lots of money at a young age, had great marriages and kids, and planned to have all of our debts paid off and a seven+ figure net worth by the time we were 50 or younger.
Now that the midnight hour is fast approaching, only two of us have reached those goals. Why? Life happened. A few people lost their jobs, had major health issues and expenditures, family problems etc., etc., etc.
Enjoy your life today–relish your good fortune and hard work–but hang on to everything you have been blessed with in this moment, because it may, or may not last for the rest of your life.[/quote]