[quote=flyer]Imo–as long as you can live where you want to live-that’s what really matters–regardless of what anyone else prefers/does/has, etc.
Although people in every financial category generally negotiate the best deal possible when it comes to real estate, I think most people who have an 8 digit net worth–buy homes based more on where they choose to live–rather than where they might find the best deal.
That may be in CV (tract or otherwise), Manhattan, Dubai, all of the above, or somewhere else. The point is, they have the choice to do whatever they want to do.[/quote]
flyer, your (italicized) phrase is essentially what I posted above in my most recent comment, thus I agree. The “8-figure set” shops for location first. As we all know, anything else can be “fixed,” EXCEPT lot size and shape. With the “right” location and right lot size/configuration, a 1%-er will find a way to have the home they want on it (referring to SFRs only).
Given all that SD County has to offer, I don’t see buyers in that category haggling with 10 other bidders over a tract econobox or McMansion in CV which is situated just 6-10 feet from the neighbor’s window.