[quote=flyer]As an early airline pilot “retiree” who is still working as an aviation consultant, I agree with just about everything that has been mentioned here. There are as many variations on this theme as there are people.
I believe you really have to plan for the worst and hope for the best, so we’ve put our eggs in quite a few baskets. We are in our 50’s, and are still working at things we enjoy, we have lots of investment properties, investments, and are maxed out all savings opportunities, etc., etc.
I’ve watched friends with all of the best laid retirement plans made throughout their lifetimes lose it all in one way or another. So, if one is lucky enough to make it to retirement–whenever that may be for them–and lucky enough to have the health and means to enjoy it when they get there, they should consider themselves very fortunate.[/quote]
Agree, flyer. I’m probably older than you, but close to “retirement” (whatever that means, lol).
I’m one of those you are referring to here who had it all and thought they planned well and when they were younger and never in a million years thought they would end up where they are today. You are correct in that there are several insidious ways one can lose wealth over their lifetimes (even if one is not a gambler and always had good credit). Only by the “patience of Job” and immense resourcefulness have I been able to get to where I am today. The way I see it, it’s all downhill from here … at least for me, that is… :=)