[quote=flyer]Although most points have been well covered, just thought I’d add my two cents.
Some friends of ours recently started looking for a home in San Diego with similar specs as the OP.
After considering Carmel Valley, locations East of I-15, Santa Fe Valley–near 4S, Del Sur, etc., etc., they decided on Santaluz.
As many here have mentioned, HOA and MR are high, but they wanted a larger lot, West of I-15, but East of the “Sun-Line,” (that’s why we love living in Rancho Santa Fe), so you might want to at least check out that option as well.
One resource you might consider to get a feel for what’s available and pricing in this general area, is sdlookup.com. Santaluz is in the 92127 zip code, and you can also check out other zip codes in which you might be interested.
We’ve lived many places in the world, but San Diego has always been “home.” I know you and your family will enjoy living here–Welcome![/quote]
Rancho Santa Fe isn’t a bad idea.
There is also a neighborhood east of I-5, North of Via De La Valle, South of Lomas Santa Fe and west of El Camino Real that is really neat. $1.1M might be able to land the OP something pretty cool in there near Sun Valley Road.
Somewhere on bubbleinfo.com, Jim posted a map of the climate zones in San Diego county. Was pretty interesting. Might be useful.