[quote=flyer]…As far as comparing what people today are paying for their homes, vs. those who purchased homes here 40+ years ago–IMO, that’s a very difficult comparison to make–because no one chooses when they were born, and, consequently, younger people would never have been able to make those choices…[/quote]
Ahh, flyer, I beg to differ. Gen X/Y CAN choose!
They can choose to buy the property in my ChulaV link (or a similar one in SD Co) for ~$350K instead of a comparable one (on half the lot size, lol) for $700K+ in CarmelV, and (eventually) put the difference towards retirement.
You must remember that it was *unheard of* for a “boomer” to make even $70K++ annually for a “non-supervisorial” (tech) position, as Gen X/Y does today, as these positions did not exist when boomers were in their “working prime.”