I think you’re taking this personally, when it has nothing to do with you — or with any Asians at all, for that matter.
Personally, I don’t care if the “third world” labor is yellow, green, white, black, or red.
I don’t care if they speak English, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese or German.
I’ll bet that if you polled most Americans about their feelings on cheap labor, you’ll find they couldn’t care less about these things. We DO care about trying to preserve our quality of life and our jobs.
I’ll define “our jobs” as I see it: the jobs that have historically been available to Americans but are now being done overseas or by foreign workers in the U.S. **ONLY because those people are willing to work for much lower wages.**
You’ll be hard-pressed to find an American who thinks these jobs are being outsourced because foreigners are “better” than their U.S. counterparts. I’ve never, ever seen any evidence whatsoever that foreigner workers produce higher-quality products than American workers. That does not account for differences between companies, like Toyota or Honda, that were MANAGED better — I’m talking about foreign workers vs. domestic workers who work under the same management, producing the same product.
BTW, American companies are also at a disadvantage when foreign countries cover/subsidize things like healthcare and pension expenses. If the U.S. govt provided for these benefits (like Japanese and European governments do), the U.S. automakers would not be in the position they currently find themselves. They have a distinct disadvantage because these benefits are tied to the employers.