[quote flu]What I really don’t get is up to now I’ve been a proponent of “hey, don’t do that government, our kids are gonna get screwed with the piles of piles of debt/deficit we are incurring….” But then the most ridiculous thing happened. Our younger generation that voted decides to support the very direction we’re heading…off a fiscal cliff and beyond… It amazes me…
I mean, if this isn’t proof that your younger generation is financially illiterate, I don’t know what is…And so, I’m thinking. If they don’t care about their future, then really it’s not my problem anymore.[/quote]What I have found, is that while the younger generation does care about the future, they do not know how to make hard choices between more than one path and they can not project future costs or long term results in a decision. They are also financially illiterate, partially because they can’t project the long term results of a decision, have poor math skills, and don’t want to take the time(Its boring). They know the now, remember approx the past 15 minutes best, want instant results and have been systematically protected against bad decisions. Since they have been systematically protected against bad decisions, they don’t comprehend the real consequences of poorly thought out decisions. They also don’t want to take the time to go through and figure out what the consequences of a decision are. They make their mind up based upon ‘I like’, ‘I follow’, tweets and media soundbites. Therefore in their mind, “ideology” rules because it is convenient and they don’t have to think about it.
That said, I have noted some, but a dismally small number, of the younger generation do think these things out. Unfortunately they will probably have to ‘carry the load’ for the ‘MTV generation’.
This is not POOMA, it is based upon having to deal with one.. beyond which it would probably be TMI to disclose. Funny thing though, this particular member of ‘the younger generation’ voted for Romney because they thought he was a Democrat.. because he looked like one (no joke).