[quote=flu]Well, i think the “new and improved” monopoly needs to have a few more elements.
1)Missing is the Federal Reserve Chairman, who’s role is to continuously print money and offer easy / low interest financing
2)The bank shouldn’t just sell property. It needs to convert these into CDO’s. There needs to be other entities that represent AIG/Lehman,etc that buys these things
3)”Chance” should include cards that appropriately sets random adjustments in the stock market, and either adds to or detracts from player’s 401k and stock portfolio.
4) “Chance” should also include elements of rising and falling interest rates on fixed rate mortgages, and whether or not you qualify for loan.
5) Community chest should include random acceptance or denial of loan workout modification.
6)We need a mechanism to perform a short sale.
7)The get out of jail free card should only apply to folks that work at Goldman Sachs and AIG.
8)While the traditional monopoly has different player pieces (one including a car), the new monopoly should feature GM, chrysler vehicles that can be purchased with the cash for clunker program. We should also add a few refrigerators and washer/dryers that can be made available via the cash for appliance program.
9)People that are firemen/policemen/city/county/state/federal employees should automatically get a $100 bonus each turn. And “chance” should correlate to voters accepting and rejecting propositions to increase of decrease the per turn cash bonus approximately 10% each card.
10)The old rule of monopoly we use to play was the taxes paid would end up in the money pot which someone would get if he/she lands in free parking. The new version, every private sector employee should contribute $10 to the money pot per turn, and generally are ineligible to receive the pot money if he/she lands in free parking if his/her AGI is $200k single/ or $250k married ($125k each if married but filing separate).
11)Each player should contribute $5 each turn for a federally mandated health plan.
12) We need a “chance” card for an oil spill that wipes out Baltic Avenue, and causes the owner(s) to lose rental income for 10 turns.[/quote]
Flu–this is hilarious!! What about the owners of Baltic Ave and Mediterranean Place, get to make all other players pay rent, regardless of landing on the spot, to support Section 8 tenants?