Um, yes g37s at that price. But, i thought fully loaded, g37 is closer to $37k without the 4wheel active steer system.
Also, carsdirect is showing a fully loaded XLEv6 with nave at $32.6k and the I4 at $30k or $31k depending on whether you want the 18″ wheel option. I guess as an exercise, we would need to go down and compare if “fully loaded”
is equivalent.
Supposedly, it’s also showing a CC AWD for $33k (without nav).
My less than pleasant experience with purchasing an avalon for a relative taught me that Toyota’s are great value to buy in base form only…They start to ding you went it comes to selecting options. Especially the way they package options together often means you have to pay for stuff you don’t want in order to get something else. In Southern CA for instance, they love to build cars with heated seats and make it part of an equipment packaging. The other thing I don’t like about Toyota (at least in L.A.) is that the sales folks are pretty sleazy at almost all the dealerships I went to.[/quote]
I added all the package for the G37S except for 4 wheel steering. Adding that will raise the price to $36,795.
You’re more familiar w/ Toyota than I do, I’m just going off what I see on Carsdirect. I could be wrong. You’re right, it’s more fair to compare the Camry w/ 18″ wheels, which would bring it up another $1650. I didn’t add remote start or catback since those options weren’t available for the CC>