UCGal…You really should consider shopping on Gymboree online. I’ve been able to find really fashionable stuff that are slightly out of style for less than what you could find on sale at Target. There were these deals for tops and pants that were $6 on gymbo.
Just gotta know where and when to shop…Also, good place for good shoes at discounts are endless.com or zappos.com
usually with free next day shipping, no sales tax, and free return shipping.[/quote]
I do use Zappos. And I only buy sale items at target… $6 is more than the $5 or $3.88 I typically pay for tops/pants for the kids. And they look ok… at least as stylish as their classmates.
Maybe if I had girls I’d be more into it… Girls clothes are cuter. Boys clothes, even from the high end brands, are boring… You have “preppy”, “sporty”, and “surfer” looks… That’s it. And the boys are in grade school – so shorts and t-shirts are the rule.
Plus – I abhor shopping. Seriously- I may be the only female on the planet that would rather get a root canal than go to the mall to shop for clothes and/or accessories. So to invest time in shopping for designer clothing bargains… nope. Designer labels don’t do it for me. I shop 2x year – get enough shorts/jeans/t-shirts to cover their growth spurts, and I’m done.